Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)
A small program or a routine that when executed, services the corresponding interrupting source is called an ISR.
It is a non-maskable interrupt, having the highest priority among all
interrupts. Bydefault, it is enabled until it gets acknowledged. In
case of failure, it executes as ISR and sends the data to backup memory.
This interrupt transfers the control to the location 0024H.
It is a maskable interrupt, having the second highest priority among
all interrupts. When this interrupt is executed, the processor saves the
content of the PC register into the stack and branches to 003CH
RST 6.5
It is a maskable interrupt, having the third highest priority among
all interrupts. When this interrupt is executed, the processor saves the
content of the PC register into the stack and branches to 0034H
RST 5.5
It is a maskable interrupt. When this interrupt is executed, the
processor saves the content of the PC register into the stack and
branches to 002CH address.