Branching instructions in 8085 microprocessor


Branching instructions in 8085 microprocessor

Branching instructions refer to the act of switching execution to a different instruction sequence as a result of executing a branch instruction.
The three types of branching instructions are:
  1. Jump (unconditional and conditional)
  2. Call (unconditional and conditional)
  3. Return (unconditional and conditional)
1. Jump Instructions – The jump instruction transfers the program sequence to the memory address given in the operand based on the specified flag. Jump instructions are 2 types: Unconditional Jump Instructions and Conditional Jump Instructions.

(a) Unconditional Jump Instructions: Transfers the program sequence to the described memory address.
(b) Conditional Jump Instructions: Transfers the program sequence to the described memory address only if the condition in satisfied.

2. Call Instructions – The call instruction transfers the program sequence to the memory address given in the operand. Before transferring, the address of the next instruction after CALL is pushed onto the stack. Call instructions are 2 types: Unconditional Call Instructions and Conditional Call Instructions.
(a) Unconditional Call Instructions: It transfers the program sequence to the memory address given in the operand.
(b) Conditional Call Instructions: Only if the condition is satisfied, the instructions executes.
3. Return Instructions – The return instruction transfers the program sequence from the subroutine to the calling program. Jump instructions are 2 types: Unconditional Jump Instructions and Conditional Jump Instructions.
(a) Unconditional Return Instruction: The program sequence is transferred unconditionally from the subroutine to the calling program.
(b) Conditional Return Instruction: The program sequence is transferred unconditionally from the subroutine to the calling program only is the condition is satisfied.

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